Sunday, February 16, 2025

When the Snake-oil salesman loses charm and becomes seen as it should have always been seen.

I've never been an elon fan. I would actually not give a flying f$%# about the guy, had it not been his position to EXPLOIT human stupidity for profit, with a cocky attitude. And that's why I absolutely hate the guy. He profits out of people not really using the brain. Sure...a lot of people do that all over the world, stating by 99% of governments... 

...but this dude POLLUTES the environment in a very hard to reverse way (lithium contamination is BAD), then he flags his mediocre products as top-stuff (sure apple does the same, but if you crash your iphone it doesn't trap you inside while bursting to flames like a crematory)...

... not to talk about the impact on electricity cost for having EVERYONE charging cars off the already stressed power grid...

... not to get into the absolutely stupid marketing around his batteries that CLAIM to last twice as much as competitors (the reason is that they have twice the cells and as cells go bad the battery chains engages the backup cells, and that's why ludicrous mode voids your battery warranty as they juice them all at once... meanwhile, you accelerate, break and turn twice the weight you would actually need to, for... marketing purposes). 

Sure it makes me the exception, in a world that envisions him as the supreme lord of intelligence, but at the light of facts, this becomes more a fact of "in the world of the blind, the one-eyes is king" theory, rather then "the man is a messiah"... think a bit about it and take your own conclusions... oh meanwhile read

The legion of musk lovers is such that it managed to shift a US election (sure WOKE stupidity helped a bit) towards the only US president with pending sentences from being convicted.

A Sieg Heil was the trigger

...but, in my opinion, the most damaging is the tremendously low quality of his teslas and the suing attitude to anyone voicing the tesla BS.
 It didn't help to voice his mind in CNBC and CNN interview: "I say what I want, and if the consequence of that is to loose some money, than be it"

... JEEEZ! If I was a tesla investor, I'd dump the stock at that moment... I mean, go play with your own money, you megalomaniac fool!
Still the charm is coming out, FINALLY, and the world can now see him as he is... a megalomaniac idiot with too much money in his hands to play god. But there is a plus to all this: His leach is getting pulled and all that cockiness is falling hard. 

HOW HAS THIS anything to do with a car blog? Well the guy is trying to ruin the car industry with electric cars claiming the internal combustion engine is a bad thing. Not only he deserves the bitch-slapping, he must be brought into light.

Tesla is bleeding sales TREMENDOUSLY (as one should expect from a bs product) and the Chinese, using more and more solid-state and sodium-carbon batteries (PLUS better conception and construction) are taking his business away. Plus all proper car manufacturers are turning to hydrogen and nitrogen as their fuel for the future, with hybrid drive car designs (what really makes sense).

Again, nothing I didn't warn about over and over, but people love hypes and the loud mouths always get every monkeys attention. 

Now? Now you have this and this 

...sort of gems to read and laugh, if your like me, at least, and didn't buy the hype. 

If you did, well, get books to read at gas stations while your bs car charges for hours... sure carrying books is dumb as they are heavy, but so does 50% of unused battery is, and don't use electronic reading as that requires juice you desperately will need to charge your bs car... because of massive adoption of electric cars form idiots like you, on an already stressed power grid.

all of this, form the agenda of this character:

Ahhhh the joy of thinking for your self. 

So why oh why is the tesla  product bad?

First thing : If your car had a limitation of life on the fuel tank, and replacing it once elapsed cost more than the car's worth, then you would build the rest of the car to last the same... it's a make to recycle market... like laptops or cellphones. Problem is that your laptop does not cost half the house value. 

Truth is that the teslas steel panels are "stamped" with little to no metal fatigue recover process to them. This makes the metal lose most of it's corrosion resistance, this would be minimized by galvanizing the chassis but then... they don't! They will rust away like an italian car.. but without the beautiful design and the charm of the italian car! oops

Second thing : STUPID design. A single motor tesla MAKES MORE SENSE than a dual motor! Weird thing to say... looks like saying that a mustang Inline4 is better than the V8. But then why? Electric motors generate torque instantly and without need for acceleration, unlike a diesel or petrol one. But there is always physics to take into account. 

The diesel engine is good generating LOW end toque, but they are nonexistent at high revs. Petrol engines are the opposite, High revs is their home and low revs is where they miss the torque... People have been turboing the cars to compensate but it then kills response! Electrics, are a bit like a steroid enhanced diesel: huge torque numbers down low, but tremendously inefficient HEAT and bearing stress at high speed. In truth, without having electronic throttling, the electric engine spins to destruction as it will burn out from bearing load and over spinning.  So how to you fix this?

You can have a small engine with a lot of torque - But then your customer will sell the car after the first highway trip not being able to drive fast.

You can have a big engine - But then the customer will sell the car after thrashing it on the highway for less then 10 minutes and then stop with a drained battery and a burned teslas

You can have the big engine coupled with a gearbox so the high rev engine is nit revving that much - but then the extra torque will make you smoke the wheels everywhere else outside the highway.

You can couple the big engine with gearbox with a ESC like you do with RC cars - But then the ESC dissipates the power into heat throwing battery life out the window... RCs allow you to change battery, your car... not!

The reason the hybrid hydrogen engine is the future lays here precisely. Hydrogen powers a fuel-cell to generate electricity for a low rev high torque electric motor that then transits to a hydrogen burning, high rev internal combustion engine. Same fuel, best of both worlds, no need for batteries except for starting the car.

So the low-end tesla, is more logic than any of the dual motors (claiming 1000hp out of a motor that only knows again).

Third thing : tesla is a marketing gig. The car looks futuristic and has all the electronic toys, but then:

-If you slam the door it dismantles the inside covers... worse in the cyber-truck as they get stuck in the seat and makes it impossible to open the door without breaking the door liner to pieces, something hard to do from the outside, and very hard to do from the inside. The modelY door liner speaker mount has a single screen holder... while a BMW, VW would have three and VOLVO 4 or 5.

-Most of the claimed features are a lie and will require you to spend money to use the software... apple style scam.

-Steering by wire is laggy as hell and not a real replacement for a direct steering drive.

-Cars are not water-proofed (most if not all manufactures waterproof their cars to around 1 meter)

-The entire car build is cheap, so they can maximize profit. It's like if FIAT or TATA would charge Porsche price for their cars... and then people brought them! it's mental.

Fourth thing : tesla has been towing their cars from crash sites, not allowing for investigations to happen and flaws to come to light. Some owners have been bullied by lawyers not to publicly complain against the company. 

Sure they are a new company and lack most of the experience of a heritage brand. However, they could have fixed this easily by purchasing a brand in need of help, and then revamping it. 

A lot of the car design was copied form other brands (and it's easy to show money and hire skilled people from other car brands in the USA after Detroit went to 5h!7), but then the tightening of profit first quality...NOT, ends up undermining a lot of the "power" that skilled employees and their knowledge brings in. 

In the end, economics is the best castration engine for engineering. Couple that with blind marketing orientation and you have the perfect storm to build bad product that look good.

So why is tesla loosing to China, the ones known for cheap quality?
There is a misconception that CHINA builds cheap. 
China builds to spec... spec cheap and you get cheap... spec well and you get a good product probably a bit less expensive than produced in Europe due to:
1 - Labor cost being lower
2 - Transportation cost being lower due to all the constant stream of LOW GRADE products that justify and then deliver good products on between them.

That being said, the size of the Asian market is so big on its own that they have been building knowledge for a long long time. This means that companies like BYD, SAIC, GWM, GAC and Geely can choose to produce the quality level to the market they aim for, at the price they aim for and in numbers they aim for. 
And then... as any good Asian, they don't really need to buy a marketing machine or sell bad products at high price! They capitalize on the sheer fact that, the ones doing that (tesla), and then failing to deliver, allows them to capitalize on that.

musk is loosing his "star dust" and tesla will be either PIVOTING HARD, or BYD'd to death. 
Still, pivoting, would you really buy a cheap car with a high price, or go for a Toyota or Honda with years for experience and incomparably better products? I know how I would choose, but then again, i never brought his snake-oil.

..and just to help him bed-in to his new position, the DOGE site got hacked.... I LOVE IT! Wasn't me... I promise I had nothing to do with that, in exception of applauding it.

Like any con-artist, he BS's people around a narrative that is based in lies and manipulation, then like a megalomaniac he gets inebriated with himself and starts abusing his new found "fairy dust" (brought by legions of followers, most with questionable sanity), and then... well then you overcook it in front of the camera and it all starts to crumble. 
After the collapse starts, you must find strong allies. So you copy'paste what your competitors (that don't invest solely in marketing) have been doing... the actual science... and you pivot towards them. 
It's just too bad that you've spent years deconstructing what you now see as your salvation. 

Well at least you can claim to be the one inventing the electric car, right?
1881... Gustave Trouve in his ELECTRIC CAR

...ok...ok... the first 4 wheeled electric car, then! right?
1888 Flocken Elektrowagen

...ok... ok... then... then first electric SPORTS car! right?
1899 Le Jamais Contente

...hum...crap... ok, then the first electric car sent to space! Can't beat that! right?
1971 NASA Lunar rover

...ok...ok... the first mass production electric car with futuristic, aerodynamic looks then! Right?

1999 GM EV1

...errr... the first EVER BEAUTIFUL EV sports car? right?
Lotus Elise (design by Julian Thomson)

Tesla roadster based on the lotus Elise

...anything else you care to try!? no? ok... time for the :


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